2020 ARRL DX Contest CW K5ZD

                ARRL DX Contest, CW - 2020
Call: K5ZD
Class: SO Unlimited HP
Operating Time (hrs): 38.3
Radios: SO2R
  Band   QSOs  Mults
   160:   277    68
    80:   690    89
    40:  1106   103
    20:  1831   115
    15:   194    74
    10:    18    15
 Total:  4116   464  Total Score = 5,729,472

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club

A few notes

Rates the first 18 hours or so were fantastic. Especially going down to 80 meters in the first hour and getting answers.

It felt like we ran out of people to work on the second day. No matter how good the low bands (and they were really good), this contest needs the easy QSOs on 10 and 15. Maybe again some day!

Amazing runs on 160. There were times Sat night when the band hiss on 80 and 160 sounded like 10m. No QRN at all.

Very nice JA opening on 20m Sat evening. I actually got answers to my CQs!

I had planned a semi-serious effort to go for WRTC qualifying points. Decided before the contest I would sleep both nights. First night went according to plan, but didn’t expect 20 to open so early. It was already rocking when I got there. I had planned to sleep Sat evening when the Europeans were sleeping. That worked out well, but I could see on the scoreboard that AA3B gained 150+ QSOs during that time. I made it my mission on Sunday morning to try to close the gap.

I had also planned to sleep Sun morning at 09z. About that time I came down with some kind food poisoning. Had to take a number of unplanned breaks for that. Thought about quitting many times… Thanks to the incredibly close scoreboard competition with AA3B (we were trading places every hour or so) I was motivated to keep pushing. At the finish we are too close to call.

10m was completely empty on Saturday. Was surprised to see spots on Sunday morning. It must have been e-skip because propagation was very spotlight. 8P5A and VP2MSS were in all the time. Everyone else was nil until their 5 minutes of propagation appeared.

DX contests are funny. I can run guys like crazy and then when I tune around a call people, I am always getting beat out and have to stand my turn in line. DXers are loud!

Fun contest. Thanks to everyone around the world who spent their weekend chasing W/VE stations. You make the contest fun.


Click here to listen to audio recordings of the full operation.


K3 + AL-1200
K3 + AL-1500
Writelog + MK2R+
160: Shunt fed tower, elevated 1/4-wave GP
 80: 4 square, dipole @ 80'
 40: 40-2CD @ 110'
 20: 205CA @ 100'/50'
 15: 155CA @ 66'/33'
 10: 6-ele @ 90'
South: TH7DXX @ 40'

By Continent

      160M    80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total      % 
EU     237    611    983   1550    108      0    3489    84.8 
SA       6     18     24     47     37     10     142     3.4 
AF       6     10     15     16      8      0      55     1.3 
AS       1     10     19    152      3      0     185     4.5 
NA      25     36     41     51     34      8     195     4.7 
OC       2      5     24     14      4      0      49     1.2


QSO/DX by hour and band
  Hour   160M     80M     40M     20M     15M     10M    Total  Cumulative  Off
0000Z  --+--   91/31   60/31    1/1    --+--   --+--  152/63   152/63 
0100Z    -     80/7    46/15     -       -       -    126/22   278/85 
0200Z  74/28   38/18     -       -       -       -    112/46   390/131
0300Z  43/17   19/4    54/3      -       -       -    116/24   506/155
0400Z    -     14/4    93/14     -       -       -    107/18   613/173
0500Z  50/12   62/7     2/2      -       -       -    114/21   727/194
0600Z  17/5    72/4    23/8      -       -       -    112/17   839/211
0700Z   6/2    14/3   114/8      -       -       -    134/13   973/224
0800Z  --+--    2/0    18/2    --+--   --+--   --+--   20/2    993/226   45
0900Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    993/226   60
1000Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    993/226   60
1100Z    -      2/1      -    121/33     -       -    123/34  1116/260   24
1200Z    -       -       -    212/11     -       -    212/11  1328/271
1300Z    -       -       -    196/5    11/9      -    207/14  1535/285
1400Z    -       -       -    141/6    36/19     -    177/25  1712/310
1500Z    -       -       -     70/25   34/9      -    104/34  1816/344
1600Z  --+--   --+--   --+--  103/9     6/2    --+--  109/11  1925/355
1700Z    -       -       -     63/4     4/2      -     67/6   1992/361   20
1800Z    -       -       -     78/4     8/4      -     86/8   2078/369
1900Z    -       -      8/1    35/4    22/12     -     65/17  2143/386
2000Z    -       -    113/2     4/0     2/0      -    119/2   2262/388
2100Z    -       -     51/0    43/3     4/3      -     98/6   2360/394
2200Z    -       -     10/9    59/1      -       -     69/10  2429/404
2300Z    -      6/0    74/1    25/1      -       -    105/2   2534/406
0000Z  --+--   62/1    25/0    --+--   --+--   --+--   87/1   2621/407
0100Z   6/1     6/1     1/1      -       -       -     13/3   2634/410   50
0200Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0   2634/410   60
0300Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0   2634/410   60
0400Z   4/0    75/3     8/1      -       -       -     87/4   2721/414   20
0500Z  66/3    28/0      -       -       -       -     94/3   2815/417
0600Z   7/0    69/2    14/0      -       -       -     90/2   2905/419
0700Z    -      4/0   101/1      -       -       -    105/1   3010/420
0800Z  --+--    2/0   101/0    --+--   --+--   --+--  103/0   3113/420    
0900Z    -      1/1    18/1      -       -       -     19/2   3132/422   45
1000Z    -       -      2/1     9/0      -       -     11/1   3143/423   60
1100Z    -       -      3/0    52/1      -       -     55/1   3198/424   28
1200Z    -       -       -    125/1     1/1      -    126/2   3324/426
1300Z    -       -       -    136/2     1/0      -    137/2   3461/428
1400Z    -       -       -    101/0    26/6      -    127/6   3588/434
1500Z    -       -       -     67/1    15/2     2/2    84/5   3672/439
1600Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   73/1     3/1     4/4    80/6   3752/445
1700Z    -       -       -     59/0     4/0     6/5    69/5   3821/450    5
1800Z    -       -       -      1/0      -      5/4     6/4   3827/454   48
1900Z    -       -     20/0    12/1    10/2     1/0    43/3   3870/457     
2000Z    -       -     11/0     9/0     7/2      -     27/2   3897/459   15
2100Z    -       -     53/0    11/1      -       -     64/1   3961/460    5
2200Z    -       -     66/2    18/0      -       -     84/2   4045/462
2300Z   4/0    43/2    17/0     7/0      -       -     71/2   4116/464
Totals: 277/68 690/89 1106/103 1831/115 194/74   18/15 

Most worked countries

       160M    80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total 
DL      32     98    165    264     19            578 
I        9     32     90    131      8            270 
UA      15     43     41    151      1            251  
G        7     28     59     99     10            203 
UR      14     37     50     81      -            182 
SP      12     37     58     63      1            171 
OK      16     35     46     67      2            166  
F        4     26     43     63      7            143 
EA       9     18     49     54      8            138 
HA      10     24     45     49      6            134 
PA       8     14     38     68      3            131 
SM      13     23     25     47      1            109 
JA       -      1      3    102      -            106 
S5       9     18     29     36      8            100

Best 60 minutes: 218 QSOs 15-Feb-2020 11:28-12:28 UTC

Worked on 6 bands (thanks to 10m opening):

Worked on 5 bands: 71