2024 IARU HF World Championship K5ZD
IARU HF World Championship - 2024
Call: K5ZD
Operator(s): K5ZD
Station: K5ZD
Class: SOABMixed HP
Operating Time (hrs): 23.8
OpMode: 2BSIQ
Band CW Qs Ph Qs Zones HQ Mults
160: 18 0 3 4
80: 118 15 14 20
40: 444 67 26 29
20: 687 433 32 35
15: 951 279 34 40
10: 110 36 15 9
Total: 2328 830 124 137 Total Score = 3,379,480
Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club

I wasn’t really excited to do this contest, but it is a major for WRTC Qualifying so I went after it. Did not have a plan or strategy. Spent most of the contest trying to figure out what to do.
It did remind me why I have been doing more assisted operations lately. It is hard to find multipliers on your own – especially when covering 6 bands on both modes! I felt like I was blind all weekend. There are many big scores reported on 3830 that I never heard or only heard once.
15m was the hot band all weekend. Signals from Europe were so loud at the start that I tried to get a run going on SSB. It did not last long and then I couldn’t get anything to happen. CW was always better for being able to make rate.
Enjoyed my first successful run with 2BSIQ on Sat afternoon. I had two hours on 15 and 20 CW. One or two answers on each band made it easier than usual. Big help to the score!
I hit the wall around 0700z. Was hungry, tired, and a bit worn out from doing so much SO2R. Took an 18 minute break to eat and recover. Then it was a push to the end.
I knew from the scoreboard there were lots of mults out there, but I just couldn’t find them. Some luck on Sunday morning helped build up the total.
Some sporadic E on 10m Saturday midday. Worked EF4HQ, GR2HQ and IP4M. It was better during the last hour of the contest, but not many people were there – not even the HQ stations.
Ended with a good run on 15m at the end. Went to SSB for the last 15 minutes and it paid off with a quick 60 QSOs.
The big hassle for the weekend was computer related. Something is causing the USB port that talks to the microHAM MK2R+ to lock up. When I lose that, I lose connection to the radios and computer sending. The lockup is so deep that it requires a complete power down of the computer and then a restart to restore operation. This takes about 3 minutes to do. The lockup always seems to happen when I am running (of course) so I try to log on paper and send by hand while guiding the computer through the restart. Can’t tell if it is RF related or component failure. No pattern to when it happens. But, always at an inconvenient time.
Congratulations to N6MJ at ND7K. He got his usual great start and I couldn’t catch up. AA4NC and N2NT also provided much competition and motivation on the online scoreboard.
I need a bigger air conditioner in the shack. At least in the winter contests, I can open the window. That was not going to work this weekend!
Thanks to everyone for the QSOs!
K3 + AL-1200
K3 + AL-1500
160m: 1/4-wave GP, shunt fed tower
80m: 4 square, dipole
40m: 2/2 @ 110’/70′
20m: 5/5 @ 100’/50′
15m: 5/5 @ 66’/33′
10m: 6/4/4 @ 100’/65’/30′
10-20m: C31xr @ 40′
CW+PH/ZN+HQ by hour and band
Hour 160M 80M 40M 20M 15M 10M Total Cumm Off
1200Z - - - - 157/29 10/8 167/37 167/37
1300Z - - - - 175/3 15/4 190/7 357/44
1400Z - - - - 131/5 15/1 146/6 503/50
1500Z - - - 13/8 58/8 35/1 106/17 609/67
1600Z --+-- --+-- --+-- --+-- 87/5 35/3 122/8 731/75
1700Z - - - 43/15 38/3 9/1 90/19 821/94
1800Z - - - 67/3 78/1 - 145/4 966/98
1900Z - - - 82/3 70/3 2/0 154/6 1120/104
2000Z - - - 41/8 27/6 10/1 78/15 1198/119
2100Z - - - 97/4 46/3 - 143/7 1341/126
2200Z - - - 93/4 68/3 - 161/7 1502/133
2300Z - - 70/21 24/0 16/2 2/1 112/24 1614/157
0000Z --+-- 31/21 82/10 2/0 --+-- --+-- 115/31 1729/188
0100Z 10/4 24/2 86/10 - - - 120/16 1849/204
0200Z 8/3 62/8 31/0 1/0 - - 102/11 1951/215
0300Z - - 151/1 12/1 - - 163/2 2114/217
0400Z - 1/0 42/1 98/4 6/0 - 147/5 2261/222
0500Z - - 12/3 140/2 - - 152/5 2413/227
0600Z - - 6/2 125/2 - - 131/4 2544/231 8
0700Z - 13/2 18/3 29/0 1/1 - 61/6 2605/237 10
0800Z --+-- --+-- --+-- 162/5 --+-- --+-- 162/5 2767/242
0900Z - 2/1 13/4 79/4 20/1 - 114/10 2881/252
1000Z - - - 12/4 115/0 5/4 132/8 3013/260
1100Z - - - - 137/1 8/0 145/1 3158/261
Totals: 18/7 133/34 511/55 1120/67 1230/74 146/24

Best 60 minutes: 198 starting 13-Jul-2024 12:36
Most worked stations
Most worked entities
160M 80M 40M 20M 15M 10M Total
K 12 51 142 120 146 66 537
DL 13 47 151 168 379
UA 24 80 101 205
SP 4 24 73 72 173
I 3 20 66 56 5 150
G 1 7 13 43 45 1 110
HA 3 23 41 37 1 105
PA 3 7 40 34 84
UR 11 31 35 77
F 1 4 35 33 73
We need more USA activity in this contest!
Multipliers Worked