2020 ARRL Sweepstakes CW K5ZD

                    ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, CW - 2020

Call: K5ZD
Operator(s): K5ZD
Station: K5ZD

Class: SO Unlimited HP
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs
  160:    0
   80:  522
   40:  424
   20:  363
   15:   44
   10:    0
Total: 1353  Sections = 84  Total Score = 227,304

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


First 20 hours were fun.  The rest was work.

40m went really long early on Sat evening so went to 80 very early.  Ended with with a 6 hour run on one frequency! 

Worked multiple stations in every section except PEI (thanks VY2ZM) and YT. I had given up on finding a VE8 when VY1KX called in late on 20m.  Always nice to get the sweep.

Seemed to be relatively easy to find a frequency.  There was lots of activity, but maybe not as many CQing?

Thanks to everyone for helping me achieve the 1000 QSO mark for the 44th consecutive year.


K3 + AL-1200
K3 + AL-1500

80m: 4 square, dipole
40m: 40-2CD @110′
20m: 205CA @100′
15m: 155ca @66′

WriteLog software, MK2R+ SO2R box

QSO/Sec by hour and band

 Hour      80      40      20      15     Total     Cumm    OffTime
D1-2100Z    -       -     79/34   35/21  114/55    114/55  
D1-2200Z    -     13/1    70/6     5/1    88/8     202/63  
D1-2300Z  30/4    46/4     3/0      -     79/8     281/71  
D2-0000Z  75/0    12/1     2/0    --+--   89/1     370/72  
D2-0100Z  79/3    12/1      -       -     91/4     461/76  
D2-0200Z  78/1    15/0      -       -     93/1     554/77  
D2-0300Z  72/1    13/0      -       -     85/1     639/78  
D2-0400Z  47/0    34/1      -       -     81/1     720/79  
D2-0500Z  20/0    43/0      -       -     63/0     783/79  
D2-0600Z  16/1    19/0      -       -     35/1     818/80  
D2-0700Z  16/0    13/0      -       -     29/0     847/80      7
D2-0800Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--    0/0     847/80     60
D2-0900Z    -       -       -       -      0/0     847/80     60
D2-1000Z    -       -       -       -      0/0     847/80     60
D2-1100Z  21/0     1/1      -       -     22/1     869/81     35
D2-1200Z  16/1    23/0      -       -     39/1     908/82  
D2-1300Z  15/0    20/0     5/0      -     40/0     948/82  
D2-1400Z    -     15/0    18/0      -     33/0     981/82  
D2-1500Z    -     27/0    13/0      -     40/0    1021/82  
D2-1600Z  --+--   27/0     6/0    --+--   33/0    1054/82  
D2-1700Z    -      3/0    34/0     1/0    38/0    1092/82  
D2-1800Z    -      2/0    41/0      -     43/0    1135/82  
D2-1900Z    -      5/0    39/0     3/0    47/0    1182/82  
D2-2000Z    -      6/0     9/1      -     15/1    1197/83     35
D2-2100Z    -     15/0    28/0      -     43/0    1240/83  
D2-2200Z    -      3/0    12/1      -     15/1    1255/84     33
D2-2300Z    -     14/0     4/0      -     18/0    1273/84     25
D3-0000Z  16/0    19/0    --+--   --+--   35/0    1308/84  
D3-0100Z   5/0     3/0      -       -      8/0    1316/84     47
D3-0200Z  16/0    21/0      -       -     37/0    1353/84  

Total:   522/11  424/9   363/42   44/22