2019 ARRL Sweepstakes CW K5ZD

                   ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, CW 

Call: K5ZD
Operator(s): K5ZD
Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 19.8

Band       QSOs
160:          0
 80:        275
 40:        485
 20:        355
 15:         38
 10:          0
Total:     1153   Sections   83   Total Score     191,398
Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


My 43rd consecutive year with more than 1000 QSOs in SS CW!

After 8400 QSOs in WW SSB last weekend, it was hard to get motivated to do the slow rates of SSCW. Focused on continuing my streak – now 43 consecutive years with more than 1000 QSOs in SS CW!

Put the station back together on Friday afternoon. Some of it had been disassembled for the trip down to V4 for CQWW. Also discovered high SWR on the 80m 4-square. Turned out to be a broken wire at one of the feed points. Easily repaired.

Contest started OK, but it felt like activity was not as high as in past years. This really showed up when rates slowed late Sat evening.

Sunday was the usual grind with everyone on 20m. Would go 7 minutes with no answer and then get 3 in a row.

Still one of my favorite contests due to the need to actually copy info. Always a thrill to get all of the info from a weak station in one pass. Mixed with the agony of needing just one thing and the guy sending his whole exchange again, only to miss that one thing again…

Thanks to everyone who got on. Special thanks to KV0I for NE, N5NA for WTX, N7IV for ND, and VY1AAA for NWT.

Had to end early to pick my wife up at the airport. I didn’t mind missing the end… it was getting slow. 🙂


K3 + AL-1200
K3 + AL-1500

80m: 4 square, dipole
40m: 40-2CD @110′
20m: 205CA @100′
15m: 155ca @66′

WriteLog v12.43B

QSO/Sec by hour and band
 Hour       80      40      20      15     Total     Cumm    OffTime
 D1-2100Z    -      1/1    75/33   15/8    91/42     91/42  
 D1-2200Z    -     36/8    63/11     -     99/19    190/61  
 D1-2300Z    -     72/10   12/1      -     84/11    274/72  
 D2-0000Z  15/1    68/2    --+--   --+--   83/3     357/75  
 D2-0100Z  63/1    21/1      -       -     84/2     441/77  
 D2-0200Z  52/1    29/0      -       -     81/1     522/78  
 D2-0300Z  15/1    62/0      -       -     77/1     599/79  
 D2-0400Z  36/0    32/0      -       -     68/0     667/79  
 D2-0500Z  25/1    24/0      -       -     49/1     716/80  
 D2-0600Z   1/0    13/0      -       -     14/0     730/80     40
 D2-0700Z    -       -       -       -      0/0     730/80     60
 D2-0800Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--    0/0     730/80     60
 D2-0900Z    -       -       -       -      0/0     730/80     60
 D2-1000Z    -       -       -       -      0/0     730/80     60
 D2-1100Z  32/1    12/0      -       -     44/1     774/81      6
 D2-1200Z  16/0    24/1      -       -     40/1     814/82  
 D2-1300Z   1/0    29/0     6/0      -     36/0     850/82  
 D2-1400Z    -     24/0    20/0      -     44/0     894/82  
 D2-1500Z    -     16/0    20/1      -     36/1     930/83  
 D2-1600Z  --+--    3/0    19/0     3/0    25/0     955/83     30
 D2-1700Z    -       -     24/0    16/0    40/0     995/83  
 D2-1800Z    -      1/0    39/0     2/0    42/0    1037/83  
 D2-1900Z    -       -      5/0      -      5/0    1042/83     53
 D2-2000Z    -      5/0    14/0     2/0    21/0    1063/83     30
 D2-2100Z    -      5/0    35/0      -     40/0    1103/83  
 D2-2200Z    -      2/0     3/0      -      5/0    1108/83     52
 D2-2300Z   4/0     6/0    19/0      -     29/0    1137/83     11
 D3-0000Z  15/0    --+--    1/0    --+--   16/0    1153/83     30
 D3-0100Z    -       -       -       -      0/0    1153/83     60
 D3-0200Z    -       -       -       -      0/0    1153/83     60
 D3-0300Z    -       -       -       -      0/0    1153/83     60
 Total:   275/6   485/23  355/46   38/8