2018 CQ WW SSB Contest K5ZD

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB

Call: K5ZD
Operator(s): K5ZD

Class: SO AB HP (Classic)
Operating Time (hrs): 24

Band      QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:      53     11       33
   80:     190     18       69
   40:     229     20       68
   20:    1124     27      102
   15:     657     25       90
   10:      14      6        9
Total:    2267    107      371  Total Score = 3,120,862

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


Knew I couldn’t do a full effort so decided to try Classic overlay.

I was finishing up a show on Netflix when the contest started. Operated a bit over 2 hours and then decided to watch the World Series. It was the bottom of the 7th and I figured an hour would be a good break before getting back in time for Europe sunrise. Whoops. 10+ innings later it was now 0730z and bands were quiet. Gave up on trying to maximize my operating time for score. Went for fun instead.

Got up early and found a frequency on 20m. Wow! Rate was great with band open deep into Europe and Russia. Stayed a bit long just because the rate was so good. The Nor’Easter was in full force when I noticed the 20m stack lights were no longer showing the correct indication. An intermittent problem over the past two months. Can’t fix it now. Have choice of upper, lower, or both out of phase for rest of weekend.

When I got to 15m there were some loud signals so called CQ in the first spot I found.

Magic! The band was open with spotlight propagation all around northern Europe. Worked LY, OH and even some Russians. Has a 245 hour! This surprise and discovery are part of what keeps us coming back year after year.

As this excitement was happening, I noticed that my top 15m beam would only turn left. Luckily it was on Europe, but once I started messing with it, it then went to N, then NW, then W. So only the beam at 33′ to Europe for rest of weekend.

My doctor’s office was having a flu shot event so I stopped to go get one. Didn’t seem to impact my ability to operate and was glad to get it out of the way.

Took a nap in the afternoon. Caught a few stations on 10m, but not much. Only SA on 15m. 20m was great into Japan with lots of big signals.

40m is just a mess. I never thought I would be wishing for us to go back to the old days of working split all the time…

Watched the Red Sox again, but I did it while still working the low bands. Had to catch up on mults.

Sunday opened at the same time as Saturday. Got a good frequency and had a nice few hours. It felt like conditions were better, so I decided to go to 15m earlier. This is where being Classic with only 1 radio is a challenge.

I changed bands only to discover conditions were not great. No way to get my frequency back so I did some slow CQing on 15m. Went from a 211 hour on 20m to a 32 hour on 15m.  Ouch!

It was weird. How can we have so many SP stations in the log and no Germans?! They were even calling in after their sunset. As the sun moved, suddenly the band opened to Germany. That helped the score! Was sure missing the high 15 Yagi as many of the signals were right at the noise and had to surf the QSB to get in the log.

Had to take some time off to attend a concert my wife was playing in. Got back early enough to get to the 24 hour of operating mark. Although the last 2 hours were slow. Called lots of loud Europeans on 75m that could not hear me. Argh.

Spent time in the last 20 minutes calling a loud CT9ABO. No luck, but did work UR5AS. OK7K was the consistently loud signal from Europe on 160 all weekend.

As always, too many guys who don’t send their call. Although I found them more responsive when asked so maybe we are making progress. Didn’t notice as much splatter as usual, but that was probably because having only one radio and doing lots of CQing limited my visibility.

Never heard zones 18, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, or 34.

Three hours over 200 were a blast. You see the rate go up and you just hope the frequency stays clear and guys keep calling.

Always amazing how this contest brings out the activity. Worked a lot of guys that were not in the SCP file. Thanks to everyone that go on and helped us all have more fun.

Now off to plan some antenna maintenance!

Randy, K5ZD


QSO/ZN+DX by hour and band

Hour   160M     80M     40M     20M     15M     10M    Total     Cumm    Off

0000Z  --+--   --+--   18/19   26/10   --+--   --+--   44/29     44/29  
0100Z    -     23/29   50/32     -       -       -     73/61    117/90  
0200Z  12/13   10/5      -       -       -       -     22/18    139/108   32 RedSox
0300Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     139/108   60
0400Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     139/108   60
0500Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     139/108   60
0600Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     139/108   60
0700Z   1/0    12/11   25/20     -       -       -     38/31    177/139   34
0800Z   5/5     8/6     7/3     1/2    --+--   --+--   21/16    198/155   21
0900Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     198/155   60
1000Z   1/0     9/7    11/4     6/8      -       -     27/19    225/174   28
1100Z    -       -       -    187/48     -       -    187/48    412/222 
1200Z    -       -       -    218/6      -       -    218/6     630/228 
1300Z    -       -       -     99/2    87/32     -    186/34    816/262 
1400Z    -       -       -       -    245/20     -    245/20   1061/282 
1500Z    -       -       -       -     24/15     -     24/15   1085/297   24 Flu shot
1600Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   22/7    --+--   22/7    1107/304   60
1700Z    -       -       -    102/9     1/0      -    103/9    1210/313 
1800Z    -       -       -     12/2    36/13    5/5    53/20   1263/333   12 Nap
1900Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    1263/333   60
2000Z    -       -       -       -     16/6      -     16/6    1279/339   48
2100Z    -       -       -     54/25   10/5     9/10   73/40   1352/379 
2200Z    -       -     54/5     4/0      -       -     58/5    1410/384   23 
2300Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    1410/384   60 RedSox
0000Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--    0/0    1410/384   60
0100Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    1410/384   60
0200Z   7/5    32/10    9/1      -       -       -     48/16   1458/400 
0300Z  11/8    26/7     4/0      -       -       -     41/15   1499/415 
0400Z  12/12   23/6      -       -       -       -     35/18   1534/433 
0500Z   4/1    31/5      -       -       -       -     35/6    1569/439 
0600Z    -      1/0     4/2      -       -       -      5/2    1574/441   52 Sleep
0700Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    1574/441   60
0800Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--    0/0    1574/441   60
0900Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    1574/441   60
1000Z    -      4/1     7/1      -       -       -     11/2    1585/443   16
1100Z    -       -       -    142/10     -       -    142/10   1727/453 
1200Z    -       -       -    211/5      -       -    211/5    1938/458 
1300Z    -       -       -     19/1    11/3      -     30/4    1968/462    2
1400Z    -       -       -       -     42/0      -     42/0    2010/462   60
1500Z    -       -       -       -     63/11     -     63/11   2073/473 
1600Z  --+--   --+--   --+--    4/0    81/2    --+--   85/2    2158/475 
1700Z    -       -       -      4/0      -       -      4/0    2162/475   57 Concert
1800Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2162/475   60
1900Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2162/475   60
2000Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2162/475   60
2100Z    -       -       -     14/0    18/1      -     32/1    2194/476   29
2200Z    -       -     29/0    20/1     1/0      -     50/1    2244/477 
2300Z    -     11/0    11/1     1/0      -       -     23/1    2267/478   15

Total: 53/44  190/87  229/88 1124/129 657/115  14/15 

Best 60 minutes: 252 @ 27-Oct-2018 13:57

Worked on 6 bands:

Worked on 5 bands:

Most worked countries:

          160M    80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total

    DL       1     18     12    160    106            297
     I              9     17     83     44            153
    SP       2      6      4     55     33            100
     F              8      9     52     28             97
    UA              1      6     79      8             94
    PA       1      9      3     54     24             91
     G       1      6      5     50     27             89
    EA              7     10     46     25             88
    UR       1      6      5     47     17             76