Audio – CQ WW CW 2010

Audio Archive – K5ZD CQ WW CW 2010

This page allows you to search the K5ZD log from CQ WW CW 2010 and play audio of the QSOs that are found.

Enter a callsign to get a list of all QSOs with that call (call must be exact match). Click on the download link to play or download the audio. Use the time settings to control how much time before and after the QSO is included.

This was an SO2R operation. The audio is the same as heard by the operator. When headphones are ‘split’, the left channel is from the left side radio and the right channel is from the right side radio.

Two files were corrupted during the recording process. No audio is available during Day 1 0000-0022z and 1320-1357z.

If you want to listen to some of the best parts, look at the log, then select a callsign and the desired amount of time to include in the file.

3830 Posting

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: K5ZD

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 42

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  163    15       57
   80:  725    24       90
   40: 1359    35      114
   20: 1209    35      122
   15: 1077    29      106
   10:   76    16       35
Total: 4609   154      524  Total Score = 9,117,066

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


Wow, who would have expected a score like this with the conditions predicted for the weekend?!

Had planned a casual effort, but the activity and conditions were addicting! Once I started, I just couldn’t stop operating. Luckily my family is familiar with this addiction and knew to just ignore me until the contest was over.


Low bands were great. Knew it was going to be good when I called Europeans on 160m and they could hear me on the first call. No QRN here in the USA or Europe really helps the scores.

Conditions on Saturday morning. I woke up around 1130z and did some low band DXing. As I was finishing on 40m I moved the second radio from 80m to 15m. Whoa! The band was filled with booming signals. My first CQ at 1156z resulted in 201 QSOs in the next 60 minutes. I completely skipped 20m for the morning.

40m on both afternoons. No matter how many times I do WWCW from here I can’t get used to going to 40m when the sun is still up. Got there at 21z on Saturday and had 4 fantastic (100+) hours in a row on the same frequency. A little earlier on Sunday and almost the same result. Thus the big 40m QSO total.

80m Saturday night. I slept for two hours between 02-04z. Worked some DX on 160m and then found 3506 available. Had 3 hours straight of great rate (until ED9M decided it was his frequency). I don’t have the loudest signal on 80m so it was really nice to get so many QSOs. Definitely helped the score.

10 meters. Worked one European. Worked ST2AR for the only zone 34 heard all weekend!

Elecraft K3. This radio has the best receiver. It would have been impossible to hear so many of the weak stations, especially on 40 and 80, without it.

Russians and Eastern Europe. Fantastic activity from this area on all bands. I love the new Russian callsigns. Some of them reminded me of prefixes from long ago. UD, UC, RJ, etc.

USA record? The old USA record was from the year 2000 (8.7M with 4484/161/531) and included 1189 QSOs on 10m! The difference this year was the balance across all bands. A rare occurence.


SO2R. Had 208 second radio QSOs. Rate was so high I had almost no time to work on the second radio. 🙁

Not operating full time. Since I had not planned a serious effort, I did not do any special preparation for food or sleep. Also spent much time the first night DXing. It was only at the halfway point that I realized the score was special and I should be more serious. The second day was full attention and motivation!

People who don’t send their call enough. I think I complain about this every year.

The increase in DX Cluster (and skimmer) use keeps making it worse. Part of the challenge of single op.


Radio 1  K3 + Alpha 76Ca
Radio 2  FT1000D + Ameritron AL-1200
Tower 1
40-2CD @ 110'
205CA stack at 100'/50'
155CA stack at 66'/33'
160m Ground Plane hanging from tower

Tower 2
6-el 10m @ 90'
80m 4 square wires hanging from tower
Shunt fed for 160m

Tower 3
TH7DXX @ 40' (always pointing South)

By continent:

          160M    80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total      %

    EU     111    627   1190   1022    964      2    3916    85.0
    AF       4     12     20     25     18     11      90     2.0
    AS       3     15     46     66     11      0     141     3.1
    NA      41     58     65     56     38     22     280     6.1
    SA       4      7     19     32     35     41     138     3.0
    OC       0      6     19      8     11      0      44     1.0


Hour   160M     80M     40M     20M     15M     10M    Total    Cumm    Off

0000Z  --+--   --+--   79/47   --+--   --+--   --+--   79/47     79/47  
0100Z  10/13     -     61/25    5/4      -       -     76/42    155/89  
0200Z  15/8    60/42     -       -       -       -     75/50    230/139 
0300Z    -    106/22     -      6/8      -       -    112/30    342/169 
0400Z  15/9    43/6      -      2/3      -       -     60/18    402/187  18
0500Z  50/14     -     11/6     1/2      -       -     62/22    464/209 
0600Z   1/2      -    150/10     -       -       -    151/12    615/221 
0700Z  13/6    79/4     5/1      -       -       -     97/11    712/232 
0800Z  --+--   33/15   28/5    --+--   --+--   --+--   61/20    773/252 
0900Z    -      6/5    23/8      -       -       -     29/13    802/265  37
1000Z   2/1     2/0    31/1      -       -       -     35/2     837/267  36
1100Z    -      4/3    13/6      -      8/8      -     25/17    862/284  31
1200Z    -       -       -       -    196/36     -    196/36   1058/320 
1300Z    -       -       -       -    154/5     5/8   159/13   1217/333 
1400Z    -       -       -       -    133/13    6/9   139/22   1356/355 
1500Z    -       -       -    179/44    7/0     1/1   187/45   1543/400 
1600Z  --+--   --+--   --+--  172/9     4/4    --+--  176/13   1719/413 
1700Z    -       -       -    128/10   16/8      -    144/18   1863/431 
1800Z    -       -       -     37/3    15/16    8/5    60/24   1923/455  25
1900Z    -       -       -     51/24   18/13     -     69/37   1992/492 
2000Z    -       -      2/2    19/9    17/10    2/0    40/21   2032/513 
2100Z    -       -    133/2      -      1/0      -    134/2    2166/515 
2200Z    -       -    137/4     6/2      -       -    143/6    2309/521 
2300Z    -       -    104/2    18/12     -       -    122/14   2431/535 
0000Z  --+--   16/3   101/5     3/2    --+--   --+--  120/10   2551/545 
0100Z   3/3    26/1    12/0     1/1      -       -     42/5    2593/550  24
0200Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2593/550  60
0300Z   4/3      -       -       -       -       -      4/3    2597/553  56
0400Z  28/7    51/2      -       -       -       -     79/9    2676/562 
0500Z   1/0   104/1    13/4      -       -       -    118/5    2794/567 
0600Z  17/4    93/0     2/2      -       -       -    112/6    2906/573 
0700Z   3/1    53/1    41/2      -       -       -     97/4    3003/577 
0800Z  --+--    2/2   103/0    --+--   --+--   --+--  105/2    3108/579 
0900Z   1/1     2/2    51/7      -       -       -     54/10   3162/589   3
1000Z    -      4/2      -       -       -       -      4/2    3166/591  60
1100Z    -       -     12/5    77/2     1/0      -     90/7    3256/598 
1200Z    -       -       -    170/3     6/0      -    176/3    3432/601 
1300Z    -       -       -     56/2   118/1      -    174/3    3606/604 
1400Z    -       -       -      4/0   172/7      -    176/7    3782/611 
1500Z    -       -       -      7/4   117/3     7/8   131/15   3913/626 
1600Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   66/4    19/13   85/17   3998/643 
1700Z    -       -       -     89/2     9/1     3/1   101/4    4099/647 
1800Z    -       -       -     84/5     2/1     8/2    94/8    4193/655 
1900Z    -       -       -     64/4     6/2    12/2    82/8    4275/663 
2000Z    -       -     57/0     8/0     2/0     5/2    72/2    4347/665  24
2100Z    -       -    125/4      -      9/3      -    134/7    4481/672 
2200Z    -       -     63/1    22/2      -       -     85/3    4566/675 
2300Z    -     41/3     2/0      -       -       -     43/3    4609/678 

Tot:  163/72 725/114 1359/149 1209/157 1077/135 76/51 

Stations worked on 6 bands: 
9L5VT  CR2X  DQ4W  P40C  PJ2T  PJ4A  VP2E/K1XM  ZF1A

Best 60 minutes: 204 (a new personal record for CW)

Thanks to everyone who make this contest so much fun!

Audio – R34P WRTC 2010 Moscow (ops W2SC, K5ZD)

Audio Archive – R34P WRTC 2010 Moscow (ops W2SC, K5ZD)

This page contains the audio files from the operation of R34P during WRTC 2010 in Moscow. Read the full story of our WRTC experience as written by W2SC.

The WRTC rules allowed the use of two interlocked stations such that only one could transmit at any time. One of the requirements for the contest was that we record all operation in stereo. Listen to the output using headphones so you can hear what is happening on each radio in a different ear. K5ZD was operating the left radio and W2SC was on the right.

View the log: R34P.log

There are two ways to listen to the audio. 1) Search for your call and download a short wav file of the QSO. 2) Download an mp3 file of a full hour.

Audio Search

Download File

The files below were recorded using WriteLog software in .wav format and then converted to mp3 format. WriteLog records the starting time of each file and that is the time shown in the table.

Note: When you click on Listen, your browser will download the entire audio file before it begins to play. This could take some time depending on your Internet connection speed. (Typical 60 minute mpeg file is 14Mb.)

File Name Starting Time QSOs
ReceivedAudio007.mp3 2010-07-10 11:59:36 163
ReceivedAudio008.mp3 2010-07-10 12:59:12 175
ReceivedAudio009.mp3 2010-07-10 13:58:48 177
ReceivedAudio010.mp3 2010-07-10 14:58:23 123
ReceivedAudio011.mp3 2010-07-10 15:57:59 194
ReceivedAudio012.mp3 2010-07-10 16:57:35 189
ReceivedAudio013.mp3 2010-07-10 17:57:11 180
ReceivedAudio014.mp3 2010-07-10 18:56:46 156
ReceivedAudio015.mp3 2010-07-10 19:56:22 173
ReceivedAudio016.mp3 2010-07-10 20:55:58 141
ReceivedAudio017.mp3 2010-07-10 21:55:34 134
ReceivedAudio018.mp3 2010-07-10 22:55:09 103
ReceivedAudio019.mp3 2010-07-10 23:54:45 118
ReceivedAudio020.mp3 2010-07-11 00:54:21 112
ReceivedAudio021.mp3 2010-07-11 01:53:57 117
ReceivedAudio022.mp3 2010-07-11 02:53:32 148
ReceivedAudio023.mp3 2010-07-11 03:53:08 119
ReceivedAudio024.mp3 2010-07-11 04:52:44 157
ReceivedAudio025.mp3 2010-07-11 05:52:20 125
ReceivedAudio026.mp3 2010-07-11 06:51:55 167
ReceivedAudio027.mp3 2010-07-11 07:51:31 176
ReceivedAudio028.mp3 2010-07-11 08:51:07 181
ReceivedAudio029.mp3 2010-07-11 09:50:42 152
ReceivedAudio030.mp3 2010-07-11 10:50:18 149
ReceivedAudio031.mp3 2010-07-11 11:49:54 32

Audio – CQ WW CW 2009

Audio Archive – K5ZD CQ WW CW 2009 (K5ZD op)

Call: K5ZD
Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 45
Radios: SO2R 

Summary (after log checking): 
 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:   94    15       45 
   80:  479    21       88 
   40: 1215    31      114 
   20: 1444    33      117 
   15:  696    23       99 
   10:   29     9       17 
Total: 3957   132      480     Total Score = 6,845,832 

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club
Equipment: FT-1000D + Alpha 76CA, FT-1000D + AL-1200
Antennas: 10m - 6-el @ 90', 15m - 5/5 @ 66'/33', 20m - 5/5 @ 100'/50'
40m - 2-el @ 110', 80m - 4 square, 160m - GP, shunt fed tower

View 3830 contest writeup

Links to Audio Files

Click on the Audio link to listen to 30-minute segments.  View rate sheet to find the best hours. View the log to follow what is happening in the recordings.

Note: When you click on Listen, your browser will download the entire audio file before it begins to play. This could take some time depending on your Internet connection speed. (Typical 30 minute mpeg file is 5.2Mb.)

I recommend that you listen to the audio clips using headphones.  Listening from a speaker makes it difficult to hear the calls through the QRM and to hear the SO2R headphone switching.

Time Segment Audio QSOs Comments
Day 1 – 0000Z Listen
Day 1 – 0030Z Listen
Day 1 – 0100Z Listen
Day 1 – 0130Z Listen
Day 1 – 0200Z Listen
Day 1 – 0230Z Listen
Day 1 – 0300Z Listen
Day 1 – 0330Z Listen
Day 1 – 0000Z Listen
Day 1 – 0400Z Listen
Day 1 – 0430Z Listen
Day 1 – 0500Z Listen
Day 1 – 0530Z Listen
Day 1 – 0600Z Listen
Day 1 – 0630Z Listen
Day 1 – 0700Z Listen
Day 1 – 0730Z Listen
Day 1 – 0800Z Listen
Day 1 – 0830Z Listen
Day 1 – 0900Z Listen
Day 1 – 0930Z Listen
Day 1 – 1000Z Listen
Day 1 – 1030Z Listen
Day 1 – 1100Z Listen
Day 1 – 1130Z Listen
Day 1 – 1200Z Listen
Day 1 – 1230Z Listen
Day 1 – 1300Z Listen
Day 1 – 1330Z Listen
Day 1 – 1400Z Listen
Day 1 – 1430Z Listen
Day 1 – 1500Z Listen
Day 1 – 1530Z Listen
Day 1 – 1600Z Listen
Day 1 – 1630Z Listen
Day 1 – 1700Z Listen
Day 1 – 1730Z Listen
Day 1 – 1800Z Listen
Day 1 – 1830Z Listen
Day 1 – 1900Z Listen
Day 1 – 1930Z Listen
Day 1 – 2000Z Listen
Day 1 – 2030Z Listen
Day 1 – 2100Z Listen
Day 1 – 2130Z Listen
Day 1 – 2200Z Listen
Day 1 – 2230Z Listen
Day 1 – 2300Z Listen
Day 1 – 2330Z Listen
Day 2 – 0000Z Listen
Day 2 – 0030Z Listen
Day 2 – 0100Z Listen
Day 2 – 0130Z Listen
Day 2 – 0200Z Listen
Day 2 – 0230Z Listen
Day 2 – 0300Z Listen
Day 2 – 0330Z Listen
Day 2 – 0000Z Listen
Day 2 – 0400Z Listen
Day 2 – 0430Z Listen
Day 2 – 0500Z Listen
Day 2 – 0530Z Listen
Day 2 – 0600Z Listen
Day 2 – 0630Z Listen
Day 2 – 0700Z Listen
Day 2 – 0730Z Listen
Day 2 – 0800Z Listen
Day 2 – 0830Z Listen
Day 2 – 0900Z Listen
Day 2 – 0930Z Listen
Day 2 – 1000Z Listen
Day 2 – 1030Z Listen
Day 2 – 1100Z Listen
Day 2 – 1130Z Listen
Day 2 – 1200Z Listen
Day 2 – 1230Z Listen
Day 2 – 1300Z Listen
Day 2 – 1330Z Listen
Day 2 – 1400Z Listen
Day 2 – 1430Z Listen
Day 2 – 1500Z Listen
Day 2 – 1530Z Listen
Day 2 – 1600Z Listen
Day 2 – 1630Z Listen
Day 2 – 1700Z Listen
Day 2 – 1730Z Listen
Day 2 – 1800Z Listen
Day 2 – 1830Z Listen
Day 2 – 1900Z Listen
Day 2 – 1930Z Listen
Day 2 – 2000Z Listen
Day 2 – 2030Z Listen
Day 2 – 2100Z Listen
Day 2 – 2130Z Listen
Day 2 – 2200Z Listen
Day 2 – 2230Z Listen
Day 2 – 2300Z Listen
Day 2 – 2330Z Listen

Audio – CQ WW CW 2008

Audio Archive – K5ZD CQ WW CW 2008  (K5ZD op)

Call: K5ZD
Operator: K5ZD

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 45
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  126    16       55
   80:  717    24       97
   40: 1217    32      112
   20: 1755    32      124
   15:  149    24       69
   10:   14     4        6
Total: 3978   132      463  Total Score = 6,800,255

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club

Equipment: FT-1000D + Alpha 76CA, FT-1000D + AL-1200

Antennas: 10m - 6-el @ 90', 15m - 5/5 @ 66'/33', 20m - 5/5 @ 100'/50'
40m - 2-el @ 110', 80m - 4 square, 160m - GP, shunt fed tower

Links to Audio Files

Click on the Audio link to listen to individual 30-minute segments.  Click on the Log link to view the corresponding section of the log.  View rate sheet to find the best hours.

Note: When you click on Listen, your browser will download the entire audio file before it begins to play. This could take some time depending on your Internet connection speed. (Typical 30 minute mpeg file is 5.2Mb.)

I recommend that you listen to the audio clips using headphones.  Listening from a speaker makes it difficult to hear the calls through the QRM and to hear the SO2R headphone switching.

Note: There are audio problems on the recording when transmitting on some bands on the right hand radio.  They do not affect the received audio.

Time Segment Audio Log QSOs Comments
Day 1 – 0000Z Listen Log 63 search & pounce on 40m
Day 1 – 0030Z Listen Log 54 search & pounce on 40m
Day 1 – 0100Z Listen Log 37 search & pounce on 40m, 80m
Day 1 – 0130Z Listen Log 34 search & pounce on 80m
Day 1 – 0200Z Listen Log 33 S&P 80m, find 40m freq, SO2r on 80m
Day 1 – 0230Z Listen Log 55 run on 40m, second radio on 80m
Day 1 – 0300Z Listen Log 47 run on 40m, so2r on 80m
Day 1 – 0330Z Listen Log 52 run on 80m, so2r on 40m
Day 1 – 0400Z Listen Log 27 run on 80m, so2r on 40m, move to 160m
Day 1 – 0430Z Listen Log 22 search & pounce on 160m
Day 1 – 0500Z Listen Log 40 160m, to 80m, start run on 80m
Day 1 – 0530Z Listen Log 44 run on 80m, so2r on 160m
Day 1 – 0600Z Listen Log 32 search & pounce on 80m, 160m
Day 1 – 0630Z Listen Log 16 search & pounce on 160m, 80m
Day 1 – 0700Z Listen Log 36 run on 80m, so2r on 160m, then to 40m
Day 1 – 0730Z Listen Log 63 run on 40m
Day 1 – 0800Z Listen Log 66 run on 40m
Day 1 – 0830Z Listen Log 49 run on 40m, second radio on 80m
Day 1 – 0900Z Listen Log 49 run on 40m, second radio on 80m/160m
Day 1 – 0930Z Listen Log 43 run on 40m, second radio on 80m
Day 1 – 1000Z Listen Log 29 run on 40m, second radio on 80m
Day 1 – 1030Z Listen Log 16 search & pounce on 40m
Day 1 – 1100Z Listen Log 17 search & pounce on 160, 80m, start run on 20m
Day 1 – 1130Z Listen Log 96 run on 20m
Day 1 – 1200Z Listen Log 91 run on 20m, work JA on 40m
Day 1 – 1230Z Listen Log 87 run on 20m, work KH7 and UA9 on 40m
Day 1 – 1300Z Listen Log 95 run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1330Z Listen Log 90 run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1400Z Listen Log 95 run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1430Z Listen Log 80 run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1500Z Listen Log 78 run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1530Z Listen Log 76 run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1600Z Listen Log 61 run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1630Z Listen Log 61 run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1700Z Listen Log 60 run on 20m, second radio on 15m/10m
Day 1 – 1730Z Listen Log 44 run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1800Z Listen Log 31 search and pounce on 15m, 20m
Day 1 – 1830Z Listen Log 22 search and pounce on 20m, 15m
Day 1 – 1900Z Listen Log 21 search and pounce on 20m/15m, start run on 40m
Day 1 – 1930Z Listen Log 26 run on 40m, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 2000Z Listen Log 34 run on 40m, second radio on 15m/10m
Day 1 – 2030Z Listen Log 53 run on 40m, second radio on 15m/20m
Day 1 – 2100Z Listen Log 68 run on 40m, second radio on 20m
Day 1 – 2130Z Listen Log 54 run on 40m, second radio on 20m
Day 1 – 2200Z Listen Log 20 run/tune on 40m, second radio on 20m
Day 1 – 2230Z Listen Log 17 tune on 40m, tune on 20m
Day 1 – 2300Z Listen Log 22 search and pounce on 80m
Day 1 – 2330Z Listen Log 11 search and pounce on 160m
Day 2 – 0000Z 0 break for dinner
Day 2 – 0030Z Listen Log 11 search and pounce on 40m
Day 2 – 0100Z Listen Log 20 search and pounce on 40m, 80m
Day 2 – 0130Z Listen Log 31 run on 80m, second radio on 40m
Day 2 – 0200Z Listen Log 48 run on 80m, second radio on 40m
Day 2 – 0230Z Listen Log 34 run on 80m, second radio on 40m
Day 2 – 0300Z Listen Log 21 search and pounce on 160m
Day 2 – 0330Z Listen Log 10 search and pounce on 160m
Day 2 – 0400Z Listen Log 36 tune then run on 80m
Day 2 – 0430Z Listen Log 27 run on 80m
Day 2 – 0500Z Listen Log 11 search and pounce on 160m
Day 2 – 0530Z Listen Log 19 search and pounce on 160m, 80m
Day 2 – 0600Z Listen Log 39 run on 80m, second radio on 160m
Day 2 – 0630Z Listen Log 36 run on 80m, second radio on 160m
Day 2 – 0700Z Listen Log 38 run on 80m, second radio on 40m
Day 2 – 0730Z Listen Log 33 run on 80m, then run on 40m
Day 2 – 0800Z Listen Log 49 run on 40m
Day 2 – 0830Z Listen Log 14 run on 40m, sleep at 0845z
Day 2 – 0900Z 0 sleep
Day 2 – 0930Z 0 sleep
Day 2 – 1000Z 0 sleep
Day 2 – 1030Z 0 sleep
Day 2 – 1100Z Listen Log 6 on at 1115z, tune 40m, 80m (work JA on 80!)
Day 2 – 1130Z Listen Log 39 tune 80m, 40m, 20m
Day 2 – 1200Z Listen Log 62 tune then run on 20m
Day 2 – 1230Z Listen Log 88 run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 2 – 1300Z Listen Log 96 run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 2 – 1330Z Listen Log 80 run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 2 – 1400Z Listen Log 73 run on 20m
Day 2 – 1430Z Listen Log 60 run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 2 – 1500Z Listen Log 69 run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 2 – 1530Z Listen Log 55 run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 2 – 1600Z Listen Log 51 run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 2 – 1630Z Listen Log 51 run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 2 – 1700Z Listen Log 27 end run on 20m, tune 20m
Day 2 – 1730Z Listen Log 19 tune 20m
Day 2 – 1800Z Listen Log 26 tune/run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 2 – 1830Z Listen Log 32 run on 20m, second radio on 15m/10m
Day 2 – 1900Z Listen Log 23 tune 20m, 15m, 10m, then start run on 40m
Day 2 – 1930Z Listen Log 43 run on 40m
Day 2 – 2000Z Listen Log 62 run on 40m, second radio on 20m
Day 2 – 2030Z Listen Log 70 run on 40m, second radio on 20m
Day 2 – 2100Z Listen Log 59 run on 40m, second radio on 20m
Day 2 – 2130Z Listen Log 51 run on 40m, second radio on 20m
Day 2 – 2200Z Listen Log 38 run on 40m, second radio on 20m
Day 2 – 2230Z Listen Log 33 run on 40m, second radio on 80m
Day 2 – 2300Z Listen Log 27 tune/run on 80m, second radio on 40m
Day 2 – 2330Z Listen Log 38 run on 80m


Audio – CQ WW SSB 2008

Audio Archive – K5ZD CQ WW Phone 2008

Call: K5ZD

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 44.5
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  112    14       55
   80:  412    21       86
   40:  771    27      100
   20: 1905    36      127
   15:  462    23       90
   10:   44     6       12
Total: 3706   127      470  Total Score = 6,303,126

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club

Equipment: FT-1000D + Alpha 76CA, FT-1000D + AL-1200

Antennas: 10m - 6-el @ 90', 15m - 5/5 @ 66'/33', 20m - 5/5 @ 100'/50'
40m - 2-el @ 110', 80m - 4 square, 160m - GP, shunt fed tower

Links to Audio Files

Click on the Audio link to listen to individual 30-minute segments. Click on the Log link to view the corresponding section of the log. View rate sheet to find the best hours.

Note: When you click on Listen, your browser will download the entire audio file before it begins to play. This could take some time depending on your Internet connection speed. (Typical 30 minute mpeg file is 5.2Mb.)

I recommend that you listen to the audio clips using headphones. Listening from a speaker makes it difficult to hear the calls through the QRM and to hear the SO2R headphone switching.

Time Segment Audio Log QSOs Comments
Day 1 – 0000Z Listen Log 57 Tuning on 40m and 20m
Day 1 – 0030Z Listen Log 34 Tuning on 20m then 40m
Day 1 – 0100Z Listen Log 35 Tuning on 40m, 20m, 160m
Day 1 – 0130Z Listen Log 38 Tuning on 75m
Day 1 – 0200Z Listen Log 36 Tuning on 75m then 40m
Day 1 – 0230Z Listen Log 30 Tuning 40m then 75m
Day 1 – 0300Z Listen Log 30 Tuning 75m then 160m
Day 1 – 0330Z Listen Log 24 Tuning 160m then 75m
Day 1 – 0400Z Listen Log 37 Tuning 75m with some short runs
Day 1 – 0430Z Listen Log 43 Run on 75m with SO2R on 40m
Day 1 – 0500Z Listen Log 45 Run on 75m with SO2R on 40m, then tune 160m
Day 1 – 0530Z Listen Log 26 Tune 160m then 75m
Day 1 – 0600Z Listen Log 33 Tune 75m, then 40m, run on 75m
Day 1 – 0630Z Listen Log 22 Tune 75m then 160m
Day 1 – 0700Z Listen Log 22 Tuning 75m and 40m
*Recording gap due to computer reboot. Remaining files are off by 7 minutes.*
Day 1 – 0737Z Listen Log 12 Tuning 75m
Day 1 – 0807Z Listen Log 7 Tuning 40m and 75m
Day 1 – 0900Z 1 hour sleep
Day 1 – 0956Z Listen Log 34 You can hear JH1OGC on 75m early in this session. Then tuning 80m and 40m.
Day 1 – 1037Z Listen Log 55 Running on 20m
Day 1 – 1107Z Listen Log 79 Running on 20m
Day 1 – 1137Z Listen Log 68 Running on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1207Z Listen Log 71 Running on 20m
Day 1 – 1237Z Listen Log 69 Running on 20, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1307Z Listen Log 55 Running on 20, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1337Z Listen Log 51 Try to run on 15m, then back to 20m
Day 1 – 1407Z Listen Log 53 Running on 20, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1437Z Listen Log 66 Running on 20, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1507Z Listen Log 64 Running on 20, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1537Z Listen Log 63 Running on 20, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1607Z Listen Log 74 Running on 20m
Day 1 – 1637Z Listen Log 63 Running on 20, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1707Z Listen Log 63 Running on 20, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1737Z Listen Log 52 Running on 20, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1807Z Listen Log 29 Tune for mults on 20m, find new run frequency
Day 1 – 1837Z Listen Log 53 Running on 20, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1907Z Listen Log 61 Running on 20, second radio on 15m, 10m
Day 1 – 1937Z Listen Log 51 Running on 20, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 2007Z Listen Log 53 Running on 20, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 2037Z Listen Log 40 Tuning on 20m, then 15m, then 40m
Day 1 – 2107Z Listen Log 60 Running on 40m, second radio on 20m
Day 1 – 2137Z Listen Log 50 Running on 40m, second radio on 20m
Day 1 – 2207Z Listen Log 54 Running on 40m, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 2237Z Listen Log 40 Running on 40m, second radio on 15m, 10m, 75m
Day 1 – 2307Z Listen Log 52 Running on 40m, second radio on 75m, 20m
Day 1 – 2337Z Listen Log 21 Running on 40m, second radio on 20m
Day 2 – 0007Z Listen Log 3 Dinner break from 0000z to 0030z.
Day 2 – 0037Z Listen Log 12 Tuning on 160m and 75m
Day 2 – 0107Z Listen Log 34 Tuning across 75m, then run on 75m
Day 2 – 0137Z Listen Log 25 Run on 75m, then tune 75m and 160m
Day 2 – 0207Z Listen Log 4 More off time, beginning of rain static
Day 2 – 0237Z Listen Log 11 Tuning 40m, 160m, 75m
Day 2 – 0307Z Listen Log 18 Tuning 75m and 160m
Day 2 – 0337Z Listen Log 11
Day 2 – 0407Z Listen Log 3
Day 2 – 0437Z Listen Log 12 Mostly tuning 160m
Day 2 – 0507Z Listen Log 6 Tuning on 75m
Day 2 – 0537Z Listen Log 11 75m, 160m, 40m
Day 2 – 0607Z Listen Log 30 Start Europe run on 40m
Day 2 – 0637Z Listen Log 51 Run on 40m
Day 2 – 0707Z Listen Log 57 Run on 40m, second radio on 75m
Day 2 – 0737Z Listen

Audio – NA Sprint CW February 2008

Audio Archive – K5ZD North American Sprint CW – Feburary 2008

Call: K5ZD

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 4
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Op Time
   80:  118        
   40:  125        
   20:   76        
Total:  319    Mults = 46  Total Score = 14,674


Team: YCCC #1

Equipment: FT-1000D + Alpha 76CA, FT-1000D + AL-1200

Antennas: 20m - 5-el @ 100', 40m - 2-el @ 110', 80m - 4 square

Links to Audio Files

Click on the Audio link to listen to individual 60-minute segments. Click on the Log link to view the corresponding section of the log.

QSO/Mult by hour and band

Hour       80M    40M     20M    Total    Cumm  

D1-0000Z  --+--   20/9   72/23   92/32    92/32 
D1-0100Z   11/2   66/8    4/0    81/10   173/42 
D1-0200Z   53/1   26/2     -     79/3    252/45 
D1-0300Z   54/1   13/0     -     67/1    319/46 

Total:    118/4  125/19  76/23

This was not one of the better Sprints. Conditions were difficult from New England with 20m closing early and 40/80m going long early. I was on 80m by 02z, which is much earlier than normal.

Note: When you click on Listen, your browser will download the entire audio file before it begins to play. This could take some time depending on your Internet connection speed. (Typical 30 minute mpeg file is 7.0Mb.)

I recommend that you listen to the audio clips using headphones. Listening from a speaker makes it difficult to hear the calls through the QRM and to hear the SO2R headphone switching.

Time Segment Audio Log QSOs Comments
0000Z Listen Log 92 20/40
0100Z Listen Log 81 20/40
0200Z Listen Log 79 40/80
0300Z Listen Log 67 40/80


CQ WW CW 2007

Audio Archive – K5ZD CQ WW CW 2007

Call: K5ZD
Operator: K5ZD

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 43
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  225    18       69
   80:  642    25      101
   40:  775    30      115
   20: 1301    31      118
   15:  506    24      100
   10:   29    11       20
Total: 3478   139      523  Total Score = 6,574,984

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club 

Equipment: FT-1000D + Alpha 76CA, FT-1000D + AL-1200

Antennas: 10m - 6-el @ 90', 15m - 5/5 @ 66'/33', 20m - 5/5 @ 100'/50'
40m - 2-el @ 110', 80m - 4 square, 160m - GP, shunt fed tower

Links to Audio Files

Click on the Audio link to listen to individual 30-minute segments.  Click on the Log link to view the corresponding section of the log.  View rate sheet to find the best hours.

Note: When you click on Listen, your browser will download the entire audio file before it begins to play. This could take some time depending on your Internet connection speed. (Typical 30 minute mpeg file is 5.2Mb.)

I recommend that you listen to the audio clips using headphones.  Listening from a speaker makes it difficult to hear the calls through the QRM and to hear the SO2R headphone switching.

Note: There are audio problems on the recording when transmitting on some bands on the right hand radio.  They do not affect the received audio.

Time Segment Audio Log QSOs Comments
Day 1 – 0000Z Listen Log 48 S&P across 40m
Day 1 – 0030Z Listen Log 39 S&P across 40m, then 80m
Day 1 – 0100Z Listen Log 37 S&P across 80m
Day 1 – 0130Z Listen Log 26 Mostly 40m, some 80/160
Day 1 – 0200Z Listen Log 26 Tuning 160m
Day 1 – 0230Z Listen Log 30 Tuning 80m
Day 1 – 0300Z Listen Log 18 Tuning, then start run on 80m
Day 1 – 0330Z Listen Log 22 80m, 160m, 20m
Day 1 – 0400Z Listen Log 19 Tuning 40m, 80m
Day 1 – 0430Z Listen Log 33 Tuning 80m, start run on 80m
Day 1 – 0500Z Listen Log 34 Run on 80m, tune 160m
Day 1 – 0530Z Listen Log 36 Nice run on 160m!
Day 1 – 0600Z Listen Log 54 Run on 160m
Day 1 – 0630Z Listen Log 36 Run on 160m, run on 80m
Day 1 – 0700Z Listen Log 33 Run on 80m, second radio on 160m
Day 1 – 0730Z Listen Log 49 Run on 80m, second radio on 160m/20m
Day 1 – 0800Z Listen Log 33 Run on 80m, second radio on 40m
Day 1 – 0830Z Listen Log 24 Run on 80m, second radio on 40m
Day 1 – 0900Z Listen Log 16 Tune 80m, 40m
Day 1 – 0930Z Listen Log 9 Tune 40m, 80m – sleep at 0945z
Day 1 – 1000Z 0 Sleep
Day 1 – 1030Z 0 Sleep
Day 1 – 1100Z Listen Log 2 On at 1126z, JH1OGC on 80m!
Day 1 – 1130Z Listen Log 22 Tune 80m, 160m, 40m, 20m
Day 1 – 1200Z Listen Log 64 Run Eu on 20m
Day 1 – 1230Z Listen Log 74 Run on 20m, some second radio on 40m
Day 1 – 1300Z Listen Log 90 Run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1330Z Listen Log 73 Run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1400Z Listen Log 70 Run on 20m, second radio on 15m, run on 15m
Day 1 – 1430Z Listen Log 70 Run on 15m, second radio on 20m
Day 1 – 1500Z Listen Log 76 Run on 15m, second radio on 20m
Day 1 – 1530Z Listen Log 81 Run on 15m, run on 20m
Day 1 – 1600Z Listen Log 100 Run on 20m
Day 1 – 1630Z Listen Log 83 Run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1700Z Listen Log 65 Run on 20m
Day 1 – 1730Z Listen Log 60 Run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1800Z Listen Log 43 Run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1830Z Listen Log 28 Run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 1900Z Listen Log 25 Tuning 20m
Day 1 – 1930Z Listen Log 40 Tune 20m, then start run on 40m
Day 1 – 2000Z Listen Log 77 Run on 40m
Day 1 – 2030Z Listen Log 73 Run on 40m, second radio on 15m/10m
Day 1 – 2100Z Listen Log 54 Run on 40m, second radio on 10m
Day 1 – 2130Z Listen Log 68 Run on 40m
Day 1 – 2200Z Listen Log 52 Run on 40m, second radio on 20m
Day 1 – 2230Z Listen Log 46 Run on 40m, second radio on 20m
Day 1 – 2300Z Listen Log 39 Run on 40m, second radio on 20m, tune 80m
Day 1 – 2330Z Listen Log 28 Tune 80m, 40m
Day 2 – 0000Z Listen Log 32 Tune 80m
Day 2 – 0030Z Listen Log 26 Run on 80m, second radio on 40m
Day 2 – 0100Z Listen Log 7 Tune 160m, take break at 0110z
Day 2 – 0130Z Listen Log 17 Back at 0130z, tune 80m
Day 2 – 0200Z Listen Log 26 Tune 80m, 160m, 40m
Day 2 – 0230Z Listen Log 28 Tune 40, tune 160m, run on 80m
Day 2 – 0300Z Listen Log 30 Run on 80m
Day 2 – 0330Z Listen Log 14 Tune 80m, tune and run on 160m
Day 2 – 0400Z Listen Log 14 Tune 80m
Day 2 – 0430Z Listen Log 28 Run on 80m, second radio on 160m
Day 2 – 0500Z Listen Log 16 Tune 160m, 80m, 40m
Day 2 – 0530Z Listen Log 21 Run on 40m, second radio on 80m
Day 2 – 0600Z Listen Log 32 Run on 80m, second radio on 40m/160m
Day 2 – 0630Z Listen Log 33 Run on 80m
Day 2 – 0700Z Listen Log 18 Tune 80m, 160m
Day 2 – 0730Z Listen Log 13 Run on 160m, tune 80m
Day 2 – 0800Z Listen Log 6 Tune 80m, sleep at 0815z
Day 2 – 0830Z 0 Sleep
Day 2 – 0900Z 0 Sleep
Day 2 – 0930Z 0 Sleep
Day 2 – 1000Z 0 Sleep
Day 2 – 1030Z 0 Sleep
Day 2 – 1100Z Listen Log 4 On at 1122z, tune 80m
Day 2 – 1130Z Listen Log 9 Tune 40m
Day 2 – 1200Z Listen Log 55 Establish run on 20m
Day 2 – 1230Z Listen Log 73 Run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 2 – 1300Z Listen Log 79 Run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 2 – 1330Z Listen Log 78 Run on 20m, run on 15m
Day 2 – 1400Z Listen Log 68 Run on 15m, second radio on 20m
Day 2 – 1430Z Listen Log 65 Run on 15m, second radio on 10m
Day 2 – 1500Z Listen Log 42 Run on 15m, second radio on 10m
Day 2 – 1530Z Listen Log 31 Run on 15m, second radio on 10m
Day 2 – 1600Z Listen Log 55 Run on15m, mults on 10m, run on 20m
Day 2 – 1630Z Listen Log 77 Run on 20m
Day 2 – 1700Z Listen Log 47 Run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 2 – 1730Z Listen Log 39 Run on 20m, second radio on 15m, 10m
Day 2 – 1800Z Listen Log 28 Run on 20m, then tune 20m
Day 2 – 1830Z Listen Log 17 Tune 20m, 15m
Day 2 – 1900Z Listen Log 19 More tuning, then start run on 40m
Day 2 – 1930Z Listen Log 28 Run on 40m, then tune 40m
Day 2 – 2000Z Listen Log 24 Run on 40m, second radio on 15m
Day 2 – 2030Z Listen Log 19 Tune 40m, tune 20m
Day 2 – 2100Z Listen Log 19 Run on 40m
Day 2 – 2130Z Listen Log 27 Run on 40m, second radio on 20m
Day 2 – 2200Z Listen Log 30 Tune 20m, start run on 40m
Day 2 – 2230Z Listen Log 28 Run on 40m, second radio on 20m
Day 2 – 2300Z Listen Log 17 Tune 80m, then run on 80m
Day 2 – 2330Z Listen Log 27 Run on 80m, second radio on 160m


CQ WW SSB 2007

Audio Archive – K5ZD CQ WW SSB 2007 (K5ZD op)

Call: K5ZD
Operator(s): K5ZD

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 40
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:   73    11       39
   80:  265    29       84
   40:  324    22       80
   20: 1599    38      124
   15: 1282    26      111
   10:  106    13       38
Total: 3649   130      476  Total Score = 6,328,458

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club 

Equipment: FT-1000D + Alpha 76CA, FT-1000D + AL-1200

Antennas: 10m - 6-el @ 90', 15m - 5/5 @ 66'/33', 20m - 5/5 @ 100'/50'
40m - 2-el @ 110', 80m - 4 square, 160m - GP, shunt fed tower

Links to Audio Files

Click on the Audio link to listen to individual 60-minute segments.  Click on the Log link to view the corresponding section of the log.  View rate sheet to find the best hours.

Note: When you click on Listen, your browser will download the entire audio file before it begins to play. This could take some time depending on your Internet connection speed. (Typical 60 minute mpeg file is 10.5Mb.)

I recommend that you listen to the audio clips using headphones. Listening from a speaker makes it difficult to hear the calls through the QRM and to hear the SO2R headphone switching.

Time Segment Audio Log QSOs Comments
Day 1 – 0000Z Listen Log 67 Start off tuning 20m, then 40m
Day 1 – 0100Z Listen Log 60 20m, 160m, 75m, then 40m
Day 1 – 0200Z Listen Log 68 40m, then finally a run on 75m
Day 1 – 0300Z Listen Log 49 75m, 160m, 20m, 40m, 160m
Day 1 – 0400Z Listen Log 67 Mostly 75m
Day 1 – 0500Z Listen Log 39 75m, 160m, 40m, 160m
Day 1 – 0600Z Listen Log 31 Mostly 75m, 20 mins off
Day 1 – 0700Z Listen Log 102 75m, then a good run on 40m
Day 1 – 0800Z Listen Log 35 Continue 40m, tune around, sleep
Day 1 – 0900Z 0 Sleep
Day 1 – 1000Z Listen Log 11 Back at 1045z, tune all bands
Day 1 – 1100Z Listen Log 152 Find a frequency on 20m and start running!
Day 1 – 1200Z Listen Log 193 20 minutes on 20m, then find run frequency on 15m
Day 1 – 1300Z Listen Log 168 Great run of Europe on 15m (lots of QRM!)
Day 1 – 1400Z Listen Log 97 Run for 25 minutes, then start tuning for mults
Day 1 – 1500Z Listen Log 155 Find frequency on 20m and start running
Day 1 – 1600Z Listen Log 136 Continue running Europe on 20m
Day 1 – 1700Z Listen Log 85 15 minute break, then tuning and CQing on 15m
Day 1 – 1800Z Listen Log 120 Find frequency on 20m, run and do second radio
Day 1 – 1900Z Listen Log 113 Run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 2000Z Listen Log 108 Run on 20m, fast search and pounce on 10m
Day 1 – 2100Z Listen Log 126 Run on 20m, second radio on 15m
Day 1 – 2200Z Listen Log 63 Tune 20m, then get a nice run of JAs/Asia
Day 1 – 2300Z Listen Log 69 Continue with Japan/Asia on 20m, 4L4WW on 75m
Day 2 – 0000Z Listen Log 27 Slow – grinding for QSOs on the low bands
Day 2 – 0100Z Listen Log 20 Even slower – still grinding
Day 2 – 0200Z Listen Log 35 Tuning on 160m and 75m
Day 2 – 0300Z Listen Log 29 Tuning 160m, 40m, 75m
Day 2 – 0400Z Listen Log 8 15 minutes tuning all bands
Day 2 – 0500Z 0 decide sleep would be more useful
Day 2 – 0600Z 0
Day 2 – 0700Z 0
Day 2 – 0800Z 0
Day 2 – 0900Z Listen Log 9 Back on at 0924z, work 3 LU on 75m, then tune
Day 2 – 1000Z Listen Log 18 Chasing mults on all bands, still very slow
Day 2 – 1100Z Listen Log 101 20m opens and start running Europe
Day 2 – 1200Z Listen Log 163 Switch to 15m and start nice run
Day 2 – 1300Z Listen Log 176 Continue run on 15m, GW4BLE tells me 10m is open!
Day 2 – 1400Z Listen Log 188 Run on 15m, second radio on 10m working Europe
Day 2 – 1500Z Listen Log 133 Run on 15m, some second radio on 20m
Day 2 – 1600Z Listen Log 104 Run on 15m, move to 20m at 1653z
Day 2 – 1700Z Listen Log 80 Run on 20m, then back to 15m
Day 2 – 1800Z Listen Log 80 Mostly running on 20m, some second radio work
Day 2 – 1900Z Listen Log 71 Run on 20m, chase mults on 15m, then S&P on 10m
Day 2 – 2000Z Listen Log 100 Nice run on 20m
Day 2 – 2100Z Listen Log 88 Run on 20m, lots of second radio on 15m
Day 2 – 2200Z Listen Log 54 Mostly run on 20m, second radio on 15 and 40
Day 2 – 2300Z Listen Log 51 Run on 40m for 30 minutes, then scan all bands


CQ WW CW 2006

Audio Archive – K5ZD CQ WW CW 2006 (K5ZD op)

Call: K5ZD
Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 45
Radios: SO2R 

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  220    18       68 
   80:  590    28       94 
   40: 1086    33      111 
   20: 1391    34      121 
   15:  780    27       98 
   10:   66    19       45 
Total: 4133   159      537     Total Score = 8,233,680 

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club
Equipment: FT-1000D + Alpha 76CA, FT-1000D + AL-1200
Antennas: 10m - 6-el @ 90', 15m - 5/5 @ 66'/33', 20m - 5/5 @ 100'/50'
40m - 2-el @ 110', 80m - 4 square, 160m - GP, shunt fed tower

Links to Audio Files

Click on the Audio link to listen to individual 60-minute segments.  Click on the Log link to view the corresponding section of the log.  View rate sheet to find the best hours.

Note: When you click on Listen, your browser will download the entire audio file before it begins to play. This could take some time depending on your Internet connection speed. (Typical 60 minute mpeg file is 7.1Mb.)

I recommend that you listen to the audio clips using headphones.  Listening from a speaker makes it difficult to hear the calls through the QRM and to hear the SO2R headphone switching.

Time Segment Audio Log QSOs Comments
Day 1 – 0000Z Listen Log 77 S&P across 40m
Day 1 – 0100Z Listen Log 71 S&P across 160m and 80m
Day 1 – 0200Z Listen Log 103 Running on 80m with second radio on 40m
Day 1 – 0300Z Listen Log 96 Running on 80m with second radio on 40 and 160
Day 1 – 0400Z Listen Log 52 S&P across 160 twice, then across 80
Day 1 – 0500Z Listen Log 93 Eu run on 160, second radio on 80
Day 1 – 0600Z Listen Log 60 Continue Eu run on 160, then tune 160, then run Eu on 80
Day 1 – 0700Z Listen Log 85 Run Eu on 80
Day 1 – 0800Z Listen Log 44 End run on 80, tune 80, 160, then 40
Day 1 – 0900Z Listen Log 26 Grinding for mults. 9M6NA on 20 LP!
Day 1 – 1000Z Listen Log 14 Mult chasing on 40 and 80, then sleep 30 mins
Day 1 – 1100Z Listen Log 77 Check low bands, then start running on 20
Day 1 – 1200Z Listen Log 127 Running on 20, second radio on 40 and 15
Day 1 – 1300Z Listen Log 176 Run on 20, them jump to run on 15
Day 1 – 1400Z Listen Log 180 Run on 15, second radio on 20
Day 1 – 1500Z Listen Log 171 Run on 15, then 20
Day 1 – 1600Z Listen Log 172 Run on 20, second radio on 15
Day 1 – 1700Z Listen Log 153 Run on 20, second radio on 10
Day 1 – 1800Z Listen Log 119 Run on 20. Lots of SO2r in last half of the hour.
Day 1 – 1900Z Listen Log 70 Lots of SO2R between 20 and 15.
Day 1 – 2000Z Listen Log 95 Find frequency and start running on 40.
Day 1 – 2100Z Listen Log 128 Run on 40, second radio on 15.
Day 1 – 2200Z Listen Log 88 Run on 40, second radio on 20.
Day 1 – 2300Z Listen Log 71 End run on 40, tune 20, 80, 20
Day 2 – 0000Z Listen Log 55 Run on 80
Day 2 – 0100Z Listen Log 55 Run on 80, tune other bands
Day 2 – 0200Z Listen Log 25 Tune 160 and 20, take 20 min break
Day 2 – 0300Z Listen Log 55 Slow run on 40, second radio on other bands
Day 2 – 0400Z Listen Log 49 Run on 80 then 40
Day 2 – 0500Z Listen Log 80 Nice Eu run on 40
Day 2 – 0600Z Listen Log 96 Nice Eu run on 40, few second radio on 80
Day 2 – 0700Z Listen Log 112 Nice Eu run on 40, few second radio on 80
Day 2 – 0800Z Listen Log 79 Run on 40, second radio on 80
Day 2 – 0900Z 0 Sleep
Day 2 – 1000Z Listen Log 2 ZL6QH on 80m
Day 2 – 1100Z Listen Log 98 Pass across 40 (few JAs), start run on 20m
Day 2 – 1200Z Listen Log 134 Running on 20, few second radio QSOs on 15
Day 2 – 1300Z Listen Log 162 Run on 20 then 15, discover 10m open to Eu
Day 2 – 1400Z Listen Log 154 Run on 15 while trying to catch mults on 10m. Good example of SO2R!
Day 2 – 1500Z Listen Log 115 Continuing to do the two band shuffle for rate and mults!
Day 2 – 1600Z Listen Log 113 Running on 20, few second radio QSOs on 15
Day 2 – 1700Z Listen Log 78 Running on 20 with second radio on 15 and 10
Day 2 – 1800Z Listen Log 37 Multiplier hunting!
Day 2 – 1900Z Listen Log 54 Early to 40m, mult hunting on second radio. 8Q7DV on 40!
Day 2 – 2000Z Listen Log 68 Run on 40, second radio on 15 and 20
Day 2 – 2100Z Listen Log 66 Run on 40, second radio on 20
Day 2 – 2200Z Listen Log 56 End of the run on 40, 20 open to JA and zone 27
Day 2 – 2300Z Listen Log 42 Anything and any band for a QSO!

ARRL DX CW 2006 (Ops N5KO, K5ZD)

Call: K5ZD
Class: Multi-Single
Operators: N5KO, K5ZD
Operating Time (hrs): 48

Band   QSOs   Mults
160:     96     54
80:     639     85
40:    1120    103
20:    1331    103
15:     750    103
10:      36     22
Total: 3972    470      Total Score = 5,600,520

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club

Equipment: FT-1000D + Alpha 76CA, FT-1000D + AL-1200

Antennas: 10m - 6-el @ 90', 15m - 5/5 @ 66'/33', 20m - 5/5 @ 100'/50'
40m - 2-el @ 110', 80m - 4 square, Inv vee, 160m - GP, shunt fed tower

Links to Audio Files

Click on the Audio link to listen to individual 30-minute segments.  Click on the Log link to view the corresponding section of the log.  View the rate sheet to find the best hours.

Note: When you click on Listen, your browser will download the entire audio file before it begins to play. This could take some time depending on your Internet connection speed. (Typical 30 minute mpeg file is 3 to 4 Mb.)

I recommend that you listen to the audio clips using headphones.  Listening from a speaker makes it difficult to hear the calls through the QRM and to hear the SO2R headphone switching.


Time Audio Log QSOs Comments
Day 1 – 1105 to 1204z Listen Log 194 Best 60 mins

By Half Hour Segment

Time Segment Audio Log QSOs Comments
Day 1 – 0000Z Listen Log 76 running on 40m, no audio for first 10 mins
Day 1 – 0030Z  Listen Log 59 running on 40m, QSY to 80 at 0054z
Day 1 – 0100Z  Listen Log 29 running on 80m
Day 1 – 0130Z  Listen Log 45 running on 40m
Day 1 – 0200Z  Listen Log 38 running on 40m, 80m
Day 1 – 0230Z  Listen Log 57 running on 80m
Day 1 – 0300Z  Listen Log 40 running on 80m
Day 1 – 0330Z  Listen Log 34 80m, 160m
Day 1 – 0400Z  Listen Log 33 mostly 160m
Day 1 – 0430Z  Listen Log 28 160m, 20m, 40m
Day 1 – 0500Z  Listen Log 61 running on 40m
Day 1 – 0530Z  Listen Log 34 running on 40m, then 160m, 80m
Day 1 – 0600Z  Listen Log 36 160m, running on 80m
Day 1 – 0630Z  Listen Log 36 80m, 160m, 40m
Day 1 – 0700Z  Listen Log 64 running on 40m
Day 1 – 0730Z  Listen Log 46 running on 40m
Day 1 – 0800Z  Listen Log 44 running on 40m
Day 1 – 0830Z  Listen Log 23 160m – 40m
Day 1 – 0900Z  Listen Log 48 running on 40m
Day 1 – 0930Z  Listen Log 49 running on 40m, start run on 20m at 0944z
Day 1 – 1000Z  Listen Log 73 running on 20m
Day 1 – 1030Z  Listen Log 86 running on 20m
Day 1 – 1100Z  Listen Log 91 running on 20m
Day 1 – 1130Z  Listen Log 101 running on 20m
Day 1 – 1200Z  Listen Log 85 running on 20m, jump to 15m at 1213z
Day 1 – 1230Z  Listen Log 93 running on 15m
Day 1 – 1300Z  Listen Log 93 running on 15m
Day 1 – 1330Z  Listen Log 72 running on 15m
Day 1 – 1400Z  Listen Log 63 running on 15m
Day 1 – 1430Z  Listen Log 57 running on 15m
Day 1 – 1500Z  Listen Log 35 running on 15m
Day 1 – 1530Z  Listen Log 49 sweep 15m, then run on 20m
Day 1 – 1600Z  Listen Log 72 running on 20m
Day 1 – 1630Z  Listen Log 63 running on 20m
Day 1 – 1700Z  Listen Log 45 running on 20m
Day 1 – 1730Z  Listen Log 45 running on 20m
Day 1 – 1800Z  Listen Log 38 running on 20m
Day 1 – 1830Z  Listen Log 25 running on 20m, first 10m QSO
Day 1 – 1900Z  Listen Log 24 tuning 20m, 15m
Day 1 – 1930Z  Listen Log 45 tuning 15m, start 40m run at 1939z
Day 1 – 2000Z  Listen Log 32 running on 40m
Day 1 – 2030Z  Listen Log 32 running on 40m
Day 1 – 2100Z  Listen Log 46 running on 40m
Day 1 – 2130Z  Listen Log 45 running on 40m
Day 1 – 2200Z  Listen Log 46 running on 40m
Day 1 – 2230Z  Listen Log 34 running on 40m
Day 1 – 2300Z  Listen Log 31 running on 40m
Day 1 – 2330Z  Listen Log 66 running on 80m
Day 2 – 0000Z  Listen Log 43 running on 40m
Day 2 – 0030Z  Listen Log 25 running on 80m, tuning on 40m
Day 2 – 0100Z  Listen Log 27 running on 80m, tuning on 160m
Day 2 – 0130Z  Listen Log 17 running on 80m, tuning on 40m
Day 2 – 0200Z  Listen Log 26 80m, mostly tuning 40m
Day 2 – 0230Z  Listen Log 20 mostly tuning 160m
Day 2 – 0300Z  Listen Log 16 running on 80m
Day 2 – 0330Z  Listen Log 22 running on 80m, then sweep 80m
Day 2 – 0400Z  Listen Log 23 tuning on 80m, 160m
Day 2 – 0430Z  Listen Log 22 160m, tuning 40m
Day 2 – 0500Z  Listen Log 18 running on 40m, tuning 160m, 80m
Day 2 – 0530Z  Listen Log 55 running on 80m
Day 2 – 0600Z  Listen Log 40 running on 80m
Day 2 – 0630Z  Listen Log 28 running on 80m
Day 2 – 0700Z  Listen Log 40 running on 80m, then running on 40m
Day 2 – 0730Z  Listen Log 46 running on 40m
Day 2 – 0800Z  Listen Log 30 running on 40m
Day 2 – 0830Z  Listen Log 32 running on 40m
Day 2 – 0900Z  Listen Log 29 running on 40m
Day 2 – 0930Z  Listen Log 30 running on 40m
Day 2 – 1000Z  Listen Log 12 chasing mults 40-160, JA on 80m
Day 2 – 1030Z  Listen Log 15 “running” on 40m (HS0ZDJ called in)
Day 2 – 1100Z  Listen Log 43 running on 20m starting at 1111z
Day 2 – 1130Z  Listen Log 73 running on 20m
Day 2 – 1200Z  Listen Log 61 running on 20m (deep Asia), ZK1 on 80m
Day 2 – 1230Z  Listen Log 71 running on 20m
Day 2 – 1300Z  Listen Log 69 running on 20m, jump to 15m at 1313z
Day 2 – 1330Z  Listen Log 59 running on 15m
Day 2 – 1400Z  Listen Log 48 running on 15m
Day 2 – 1430Z  Listen Log 47 running on 15m
Day 2 – 1500Z  Listen Log 33 run on 15m, jump to 20m @1528z, 6V6U on 10m
Day 2 – 1530Z  Listen Log 46 running on 20m (audio for first 5 mins)
Day 2 – 1600Z    — Log 53 running on 20m (no audio available)
Day 2 – 1630Z  Listen Log 39 running on 20m, 10m starts to open (audio for last 14 mins)
Day 2 – 1700Z  Listen Log 38 running on 20m, some 10m
Day 2 – 1730Z  Listen Log 37 running on 20m, then tune 10m and 15m
Day 2 – 1800Z  Listen Log 20 small run on 20m, more tuning on 10m
Day 2 – 1830Z  Listen Log 34 few 10m, running on 20m
Day 2 – 1900Z  Listen Log 33 few more 10m, running on 20m
Day 2 – 1930Z  Listen Log 28 all bands chasing packet spots
Day 2 – 2000Z  Listen Log 23 40m, running on 20m
Day 2 – 2030Z  Listen Log 26 running on 20m
Day 2 – 2100Z  Listen Log 20 sweep 15m, run on 40m
Day 2 – 2130Z  Listen Log 18 more packet spot chasing
Day 2 – 2200Z  Listen Log 23 15m, run on 40m, run on 20m
Day 2 – 2230Z  Listen Log 26 running on 20m, sweep 15m
Day 2 – 2300Z  Listen Log 24 running on 80m
Day 2 – 2330Z  Listen Log 37 running on 80m

Download audio archive for the entire contest  (This is a very large zip file.)

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