2020 CQ WPX SSB Contest AK1W (K5ZD)

Call: AK1W
Operator(s): K5ZD
Station: K5ZD
Class: SOAB HP
Class Overlay: Classic
Operating Time (hrs): 31.7
Band    QSOs
160:      24
 80:     484
 40:     876
 20:    2423
 15:     164
 10:       5
Total:  3976  Prefixes = 1247  Total Score = 12,412,638
Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


This was the Corona virus self isolation contest.  People around the world had no sports to watch, places to go, or partners to take on dates. Activity on the bands was very good. At the same time, there were very few multi-ops. That was a small help in alleviating the crowding on 40 and 20 meters!

Fun contest. Well, except for the QRM.  And stations stacked on top of each other on 20 meters… 

I decided to enter the new “CLASSIC” overlay so only used one radio. WPX is mostly a rate contest so didn’t figure that would be much of a problem.

Took my first mental health break at 04z after a furious run on 40m when I actually got 7132. Then slept some. Came back for a few minutes and then decided to get some sleep.

Set the alarm early for Saturday morning. Got to 20m and it was a zoo. One advantage of being in New England is that we get access to Europe before the rest of the country so I was able to get a frequency. This morning I was just above the SSTV channel. It worked out very well with some big hours.

Took a few breaks when the rate was still good on Saturday.  Finally got serious on Sunday morning.

The low bands were great.  20 was pretty good, but only if you could get a frequency. 15m was a tease with a few loud signals but no volume.  10 was only open a few minutes.

20 meters turned out to be excellent on Saturday evening. It started with a very good JA opening and then was wide open across the USA. That produced some big rates and lots of new prefixes. I pushed through 0530z as I could see my score was doing ok on the scoreboard.

Set the alarm for early Sunday morning. It wasn’t as good as Saturday, but once I had carved out a spot, the stations (and new mults) kept coming. I started the morning more than a million points behind some of the stations I had been chasing on the board. By the end of the 20m run, I had caught and passed some of them. At this point, I was head down trying to make as much score as possible. Only took one break on Sunday to eat and clear my head.

Rates continued to the end of the contest. 20 meters kept producing more new prefixes. Then when I went to 40m, it was rocking as well. Couldn’t get a spot below 7200 so was happy to run W/VE and get more prefixes. Spent the last 20 minutes tuning 40 and 75 just to see what was out there.

Was a thrill to give out QSO #4001 at the end of the contest.  I know I am going to look back and regret not operating more on Saturday!

I dedicate this contest to contestonlinescore.com.  If not for the scoreboard, I would have quit several times.

I did record the full contest and will try to post to my web site after the log deadline.

Thanks to everyone who joined in the fun!


QSO/Pref by hour and band

Hour   160M     80M     40M     20M     15M     10M    Total     Cumm    Off

0000Z  --+--   60/51   --+--   49/43   --+--   --+--  109/94    109/94  
0100Z    -     12/9   166/116    -       -       -    178/125   287/219 
0200Z    -       -    176/95     -       -       -    176/95    463/314 
0300Z  15/6    33/12  100/44     -       -       -    148/62    611/376 
0400Z    -      3/2      -       -       -       -      3/2     614/378   58
0500Z    -    101/48     -       -       -       -    101/48    715/426    2
0600Z   2/0    29/11   36/18     -       -       -     67/29    782/455   16
0700Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     782/455   60
0800Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--    0/0     782/455   60
0900Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     782/455   60
1000Z    -       -     15/5    61/34     -       -     76/39    858/494   20
1100Z    -       -       -    176/93     -       -    176/93   1034/587 
1200Z    -       -       -    182/77     -       -    182/77   1216/664 
1300Z    -       -       -    177/59     -       -    177/59   1393/723 
1400Z    -       -       -       -     53/16     -     53/16   1446/739   14
1500Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    1446/739   60
1600Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--    0/0    1446/739   60
1700Z    -       -       -     43/11   12/1      -     55/12   1501/751   18
1800Z    -       -       -    140/34     -       -    140/34   1641/785 
1900Z    -       -       -      2/1    12/6      -     14/7    1655/792   48
2000Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    1655/792   60
2100Z    -       -       -       -     24/11    5/3    29/14   1684/806   36
2200Z    -       -     24/5    58/24    3/0      -     85/29   1769/835    3
2300Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    1769/835   60
0000Z  --+--   --+--   90/21   45/12   --+--   --+--  135/33   1904/868    4
0100Z    -       -       -    153/40     -       -    153/40   2057/908 
0200Z    -     40/6    69/9     7/0      -       -    116/15   2173/923 
0300Z   1/0    96/21     -       -       -       -     97/21   2270/944 
0400Z   4/1    67/15     -       -       -       -     71/16   2341/960 
0500Z   2/0     6/1    27/4      -       -       -     35/5    2376/965   20
0600Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2376/965   60
0700Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2376/965   60
0800Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--    0/0    2376/965   60
0900Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2376/965   60
1000Z    -     26/6    20/2      -       -       -     46/8    2422/973   21
1100Z    -       -     28/3   127/32     -       -    155/35   2577/1008
1200Z    -       -       -    130/31     -       -    130/31   2707/1039
1300Z    -       -       -    130/25     -       -    130/25   2837/1064
1400Z    -       -       -    124/35     -       -    124/35   2961/1099
1500Z    -       -       -    132/24     -       -    132/24   3093/1123
1600Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   42/8    41/2    --+--   83/10   3176/1133
1700Z    -       -       -      6/1     1/1      -      7/2    3183/1135  60
1800Z    -       -       -    143/24     -       -    143/24   3326/1159
1900Z    -       -       -    129/11     -       -    129/11   3455/1170
2000Z    -       -       -    146/13     -       -    146/13   3601/1183
2100Z    -       -       -    167/27     -       -    167/27   3768/1210
2200Z    -       -     15/2    54/13   18/5      -     87/20   3855/1230
2300Z    -     11/1   110/16     -       -       -    121/17   3976/1247

Total: 24/7   484/183 876/340 2423/672 164/42    5/3  

Best 60 minutes: 206

Worked on 6 bands: none

Worked on 5 bands: NP2P

Most worked countries:

          160M    80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total

    DL       1     32     16    200      3            252
    EA             17     17     70     18            122
     F             14     10     87      6            117
     G              7      6    138                   151
     I             16     25    198     24            263
     K      11    254    587    738     20      1    1611
    VE       4     28     46     75      5            158